Meet The Goal

There is not a day that goes by where goals are not being set, some of them you achieve and others seem to remain forever elusive. There are strategies available that can assist all of us in meeting more of our goals as well as empower us to life a life of significance.

The 1st Thursday Night Call to Courage


Tonight I hosted the very first "Thursday Night Call to Courage" and it seemed to be a success. I was fortunate enough to have some great listeners on the line. And I got a lot of wonderful feedback.

If you didn't get a chance to listen in live you know I'm going to hook you up with information on the replay. Now I'm only going to leave the replay up for 2 days to give everyone an opportunity to listen to the call and after that it will be taken down. Now if you are not a member of my "Courage Committee" you should log on to my web site at and sign up.

The Free Replay Line is (218) 936-1005 and the conference ID is 73543#

For information on the next call sign up to be a member of the "Courage Committee" or log on to for all the information. Next week I will be the debut of a great new training program I have developed called..."Vision Training" and I'm sure you will enjoy it. Don't miss this call!

I thank you for reading this blog and for all of your support.

Always remember to...Cultivate the Courage to Roar!

Rodney ' Asaad' Muhammad
"The Courage Coach"


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No matter what else you do in life, you must always remember to Cultivate the Courage to Roar!


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