Meet The Goal

There is not a day that goes by where goals are not being set, some of them you achieve and others seem to remain forever elusive. There are strategies available that can assist all of us in meeting more of our goals as well as empower us to life a life of significance.

The Language of Love

Many “walk-the-walk” but statistics show that nearly 50% that are walking in marriage don’t actually know how to “talk-the-talk”.

I recently purchased the New York Times Bestseller book entitled: “The Five Love Languages – How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate” by Gary Chapman. This purchase came as the result of several conversations I recently had with a very dear friend of mine who mentioned the book.

After reading the book from the front cover to the back cover I must say that I know why it is on the “Bestsellers List”. The book is not only well written but it is practical. The “fly on the wall” method of communicating the “Love Languages” that Mr. Chapman uses though storytelling of real situations and conversations helps the reader to understand the concepts presented in a manner that is easy to digest.

Mr. Chapman opens the book with 3 “foundational” chapters such as:

1 – What Happens to Love After the Wedding?
2 – Keeping the Love Tank Full
3 – Falling in Love.

These chapters help to set the stage for the actual “Love Languages”. I especially enjoyed Chapter 3 in which Chapman dissects and dispels the common misconception found during the “In Love” experience which psychologists M. Scott Peck and Dorothy Tennov calls “limerance” which could be defined as highly advanced stages of infatuation.

This book is a must read for everyone no matter if you are married or single. For the married even if you feel that your relationship with your spouse is “great” and that you “get along fine”, there is so much more we can learn from this book that might help in zeroing in on your spouse’s specific love language and better help us to identify and communicate our own love language as well. Now for the single person, using this book as a companion to other books on relationships and personal development will help to give you a good foundation and head start in any future relationships. I would recommend having any potential mates read the book as well and you both use the book as a basis to build better communications going forward.

Anyone with a sincere heart and a willingness to see another person happy with their “Love Tank” filled to the brim and running over would be wise to get this book today, read it, study it and immediately apply the principles found within after identifying the language of your spouse and yourself.

The Languages are:

1. Words Of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts Of Service
5. Physical Touch

Once you are done reading the book there is a “Love Language Profile” test you can take to determine your language (one for men and one for women). And while some of the questions do assume that the reader is already married, if you are honest and single you will get true results.

So you ask: “Rodney what is your Love Language?” Well I was brutally honest in my responses and survey says (DING!) Quality Time and Physical Touch.

So at least now I have something else of substance I can talk about with any potential mates regarding those things that will definitely help to keep my “Love Tank” full, full, full as a matter of fact if she can keep that coming along with honesty, self improvement and spiritual studies I can tell you that my “Cup Will Runneth OVER!” and that’s the truth.

So go ahead and get the book now and get busy learning a new language…it might just change your love life.

The Heart of the Five Love Languages


Unknown 1:57 PM  

Sounds like a great book. Marriage is a journey. It's something that has be actively and lovingly participated in. Thanks for the review. I will dust off my copy and make it a 2010 must read!

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